The Art of Bespoke Aromatherapy
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The Essence of Libra: Charm, Diplomacy, Grace and Fairness


Libra the Scales with Esoterical Elements


Libra the Scales (September 23 – October 22), an Air sign along with Gemini and Aquarius, is known for its charm, diplomacy, grace, and sense of fairness. Symbolised by the Scales, Libras embody balance and harmony, seeking equity and justice in all aspects of life. Their innate ability to see both sides of any situation makes them natural peacemakers and mediators. Although sometimes they may struggle with indecision.


Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, Libras possess a refined aesthetic sense, a love for art and culture, and a deep appreciation for relationships. They excel in creating harmonious environments and fostering connections between people. Libras are often drawn to careers in law, diplomacy, design, and counselling, where their keen sense of fairness, persuasive communication skills, and diplomatic approach shine brightly.

Like the gentle breeze that calms and soothes, Libras have a calming presence that can bring balance to turbulent situations. Their social grace and tactful nature make them beloved by many and adept at navigating complex social dynamics with ease.


Libra's main birth flower is the Tea Rose. However, they’re also associated to other flowers such as hydrangea, gardenia, gladioli. Libra’s birthstone is Opal, their Bach Flower is Scleranthus, their NZ First Light Flower essences are No.’s 19, 20 and 21. Libra is linked to the Heart Chakra, and in Medical Astrology, Libra rules the Kidneys and Buttocks.


 Australian Bush Flower Essence Angelic White Light Essence

Australian Bush Flowers White Light Angelic Essence

You may not be aware of this very potent range, however, if you’re a Libran light worker or Libra is in your 6th House, you will want to know more about this essence.



This Essence was made in Peru on the top of the sacred mountain, Putucusi, directly across from Machu Picchu. Right up until the moment of our death, the Angels are always attempting to inspire and raise our awareness to the spiritual — so that we will look up and embrace the Light.

The Angelic Essence allows one to have closer contact with the Angelic realm. This Essence helps us to be more open to receiving from on high, the Angelic tones of inspiration, love, awareness, communication, guidance and instruction which can lead us to an infinite range of potential possibilities in our mortal lives.

The Angelic Essence brings the energy from heaven directly down to earth, uniting the two. This Essence enables one to aspire beyond the physical while keeping us connected to the mundane. It helps us realise that the spiritual exists in everything and to transcend the deceptive illusion of the physical. One can also invoke the protection of an Angelic kind and of any specific Angel by taking this Essence.

Excerpt from ausflowers.com.au



Bach Flower Essence – Scleranthus

Scleranthus enables Libras to not get stuck in decision paralysis and to be decisive. Finding balance, and guiding them to listen to their senses, instead of only trusting the rational mind to guide in decision making



 NZ First Light Flower Essences 

  • No 19 Lover’s Daisy essence (Gnaphalium keriense) - LOVE
  • No 20 Wineberry essence (Aristotelia serrata) - COOPERATION
  • No 21 Hinau essence (Elaeocarpus dentatus) – SACRED SPACE

Poise, balance, stays true to self, empowered relating, diplomacy, social skills, peace loving, generosity, inner certainty, trusts own knowing and intuition.

Intrigued to know more about Flower Therapies?  You can book a consultation with me here


 Birth Stone 

Opal, Stone of Truth and Justice, is associated with Venus and is October’s gemstone. Known for its iridescence and play of colours, opal aligns with Libra's appreciation for beauty and artistic expression, enhancing their creativity and aesthetic sensibilities. This gemstone is believed to promote emotional balance and spiritual awareness, qualities that support Libras in maintaining inner harmony and navigating social interactions with grace and adaptability. Opal's ability to adapt its appearance depending on the light mirrors Libra's flexible nature, while its calming energy fosters positive communication and peaceful resolutions, reinforcing Libra's role as natural mediators and peacemakers.



Chakras and Crystal Healing

Libras are connected to the Heart chakra, which is associated with balance, love, and compassion. The Heart chakra is ruled by the element of air and its healing stones are typically green, such as jade and emerald, and the opal with its multiple colours balances the heart along with the rest of the chakras.


To align this chakra, focus on activities that foster emotional healing, such as practicing gratitude, forgiveness, and kindness. Meditation, yoga focusing on heart-opening poses, and spending time in nature can also help. Incorporating the colour green into your life can further enhance the balance of the Heart chakra.


Compassion Heart Chakra Essential Oil Blend

Strengthen your heart chakra and embrace compassion and unconditional love with this heart-opening blend. Compassion chakra blend fosters a loving, caring environment; opens the heart to forgiveness, and encourages unconditional love of yourself and others. This blend includes lavender (lavandula angustifolia, ylang ylang (cananga odorata), bergamot (citrus bergamia), may chang (litsea cubeba), rose (rosa damascena) absolute, and neroli (citrus aurantium).


You can pre-order your bottle of Perfect Potion Chakra Compassion Essential Oil here



But what about the crystals for Libra?

Our opal wedding rings bought in Kos, Greece

  1. White Sapphire: a stone that supports Libran qualities of morality, justice and freedom.
  2. Aquamarine: softens the judgemental sign of Libra, allowing the energy to flow in a structured, balanced way aligning chakras and the physical etheric bodies.
  3. Lepidolite: This "Stone of Transition" helps create an electromagnetic-free zone when placed near your computer or television, as well as releasing and reorganizing old patterns and inducing changes.  It's considered to be an excellen stone for Menopause.
  4. Pink Kunzite: activates the heart chakra, aligning it with the throat and third eye chakras, helping to balance the emotional and spiritual states of the body, whilst radiating peace and universal love.


Other crystal affinities with Libra are Apophyllite, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Chiastolite, Chrysolite, Emerald, Green tourmaline, Jade, Lapis lazuli, Mahogany obsidian, Peridot, Topaz.




When it comes to essential oils and astrology, there are so many variations it can get confusing – every book has a different list. So here’s what’s worked for me in my clinic and personal space, as well as what my intuition has fed me. I tend to work with the ruling planet and elements, the moon phase, the astrological sign (it shows up our weak areas), and intuition along with the science of essential oils.  This month we have:


Chamomile German (Matricaria recutita) With its sweet, straw-like fragrance, the scent of German chamomile is emotionally soothing. German Chamomile contains Azulene, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent which aromatherapists used to help treat skin conditions, including dermatitis and eczema, hives and acne.  It's also used for teething, balancing PMS, hay fever and asthma.  

Emotionally it calms the mind and promotes relaxation, however Chamomile Roman is the preferred essential oil for emotional conditions, with Chamomile German being the better oil for physical conditions.


Actions: Analgesic, anti-allergenic, anti-spasmodic, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, emmenagogue, digestive, hepatic and vulnerary



Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) with is a strong smelling oil with a floral aroma and a hint of mint.


A light adrenal-gland stimulant and hormonal normaliser, geranium treats PMS, menopause, fluid retention, breast engorgement, and sterility, and helps to regulate blood pressure.

A versatile skin treatment, it reduces inflammation, infection, eczema, acne, burn injuries, bleeding, scarring, stretch marks, shingles, herpes and ring-worm. It is also said to delay wrinkling. The strong smell is particularly good to ward off mosquitoes and head lice and is good to help fight cellulite.

Geranium relieves anxiety, depression, discontent, irrational behaviour, and stress. It is also used to heal a passive-aggressive nature and to enhance one’s perception of time and space. Some aromatherapists describe it as sedative, while others consider it stimulating, however it is a balancer.

Geranium oil is not recorded as indicating any side effects since it is non-toxic, non-irritant and generally non-sensitizing. It can cause sensitivity in some people and due to the fact that it balances the hormonal system, it should be avoided during pregnancy


Anti-depressant, antiseptic, astringent, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, deodorant, diuretic, haemostatic, styptic, tonic, vermifuge and vulnerary



Spearmint (Mentha spicata) has a fresh minty smell reminiscent of Peppermint. The major difference is that Spearmint oil is sweeter, and not quite as harsh.

Aromatherapists claim the therapeutic properties of Spearmint essential oil are: as a local/topical anaesthetic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, decongestant, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant and restorative. It is also believed to be an uplifting oil great for alleviating fatigue and depression. It is slightly weaker in action to peppermint, though it too is used as a stimulant. Spearmint brings back childhood joy and pleasant memories. Great oil for children.


Antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cephalic, emmenagogue, insecticide, restorative, stimulant.


If you don't have any of these oils, you'll find a selection of them here 



Libra Perfect Potion

Perfect Potion Libra Blend

Balanced and harmonious, the Libra spirit is diplomatic, romantic, and ever so tactful. The comforting aroma of this blend cultivates harmony and peace with pure essential oils of Atlas cedarwood, bergamot, Roman chamomile, fragonia, geranium, hinoki wood, palmarosa and petitgrain.

You can pre-order your bottle of Libra here



 Flower Meanings and Symbolism 

Here are the Flowers for Libra:fresh floral bouquet of gardenia flowers, tea rose, gladioli, blue and pink hydrangea

  • Tea Rose - symbolising love, beauty, and harmony, the Tea Rose reflects Libra's appreciation for beauty, their romantic nature, and their desire for balance and harmony in relationships and surroundings
  • Hydrangea – Representing sincere emotions, gratitude, and deep understanding reflect Libra's love of balance in all aspects of life.
  • Gardenia - This flower’s pure white petals and sweet scent make it a perfect choice if you’re wanting to send a message of trust, clarity, hope, and renewal, of new beginnings and dreams. Gardenias are linked to peace and self-reflection in some parts of Asia.
  • Gladioli - seen as a gesture of respect and honour, infatuation and admiration, the giving of this flower acknowledges Libra’s character and fortitude, as well as having the power to pierce the heart with its beauty. Gladioli were associated with gladiators, representing the gladiators’ strength and skill in combat in ancient Rome.



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