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Seasonal News
The Essence of Scorpio: Intensity, Passion and Depth
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21), a Water sign along with Cancer and Pisces, is celebrated for their intensity, passion, depth, and transformative abilities. Symbolised by the Scorpion, Scorpios embody resilience and determination, akin to their symbol's ability to survive and regenerate. ...
Create It Yourself Recipes
Blends for Scorpio and Spring using Black Pepper, Coffee and Tuberose
It's warming up and it's time to create some fun recipes in time for Christmas! Here are some recipes to soothe your nerves and stimulate your senses. Below you will find some blends that you can add to your bathing routine, body care products or diffuser, as well as my favourite, the...
Natural Therapies & Nutrition
Coping with Arthritis and Improving your Quality of Life
Arthritis is an auto-immunde disorder, and is a condition characterized by inflammation and pain in the joints. There are several types of arthritis, each with different causes: Osteoarthritis (OA) : This is the most common type and is caused by the wear and tear of joint cartilage over...
Seasonal News
The Essence of Libra: Charm, Diplomacy, Grace and Fairness
Libra the Scales (September 23 – October 22), an Air sign along with Gemini and Aquarius, is known for its charm, diplomacy, grace, and sense of fairness. Symbolised by the Scales, Libras embody balance and harmony, seeking equity and justice in all aspects of life. Their innate ability to see...
Create It Yourself Recipes
Blends for Libra and Spring using Chamomile German, Geranium and Spearmint
Spring is here down under, the wind is up and allergy season is starting! Here are some recipes to soothe your nerves and stimulate your senses. Below you will find some blends that you can add to your bathing routine, body care products or diffuser, as well as my favourite, the sniffy...
Natural Therapies & Nutrition
Soothing and Healing Itchy Skin - Healing the Integumentary System
Itchy skin is irritating, making us feel scratchy emotionally as well as physically, and in the process the skin feels hot whilst dealing with the inflammation. In the last 58 years I have experienced measles, chicken pox, eczema, dermatitis, hives, allergic rash reaction to penicillin, and now...
Seasonal News
The Essence of Virgo: Modesty, Strength, and Radiance
Virgo the Virgin (August 23 - September 22), shares its Earth element with Taurus and Capricorn. Virgo is celebrated for their practicality, attention to detail, intelligence, reliability, and analytical abilities. Represented by the virgin, Virgo is known for their modesty and purity of purpose,...
Create It Yourself Recipes
Blends for Virgo and Spring using Clary Sage, Labdanum and Lavender
Spring is nearly here down under, and so far it's been gorgeous with my garden full of freesias and rose geranium. Here are some recipes to stimulate your senses. Below you will find some blends that you can add to your bathing routine, body care products or diffuser, as well as my...
Natural Therapies & Nutrition
Dehydration and CIRS – Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
The current biggest killer in the world (other than accidents) is chronic inflammation, which is the route cause of most diseases. Do you often feel dehydrated when you wake up? One of the main triggers of inflammation is dehydration – and when you consider that during the night we lose 0.5 to 1...
Create It Yourself Recipes
Blends for Leo and Winter using Cedarwood Virginian, Lime and Petitgrain
Winter is here down under, and so far it's more wet than cold, and my lounge is looking like a laundry with clothes on racks drying in the watery sunshine moments combined with the heat pump that's running in the evening... I could use the dryer, however I'm interested to see how our power bills...
Natural Therapies & Nutrition
The Role of Pharmacogenetics in Personalised Treatment
Even before SmartDNA came along, I have always been fascinated about genetics and medicine, since being introduced to it in Biology in school way back in the 80s, and it was in lots of sci-fi books I read as a youngster. Hollie has a sister who has some genetic variations, so she's very fascinated...
Seasonal News
The Essence of Leo: Charisma, Strength, and Radiance
Leo the Lion (July 21 – August 20), shares its Fire element with Sagittarius and Aries. Leo is celebrated for their charisma, creativity, confidence, warmth, and leadership qualities. Represented by the lion, Leo is known for embodying both strength and grace, much like the king of the Savannah....
Natural Therapies & Nutrition
Coughs, Colds, Flus, and the whole Shebang!
Well, Winter has finally decided to arrive here in Auckland as it’s been very mild so far. And along with that is the sniffles (not me – touch wood), and the chest infections, having spent a few hours back in the hospital with Mum, this time with aspiration pneumonia. More about that later…...
Create It Yourself Recipes
Blends for Cancer and Winter using Elemi, Jasmine and Sandalwood
Winter is here down under, and so far it's more wet than cold, and my lounge is looking like a laundry with clothes on racks drying in the watery sunshine moments combined with the heat pump that's running in the evening... I could use the dryer, however I'm interested to see how our power bills...
Seasonal News
The Energies of Cancer and Aromatherapy
Cancer the Crab (June 21 – July 20) shares its Water element with Scorpio and Pisces. Cancer is known for being deeply maternal, intuitive, nurturing, protective, empathetic, and loyal. Represented by the crab, Cancer often retreats into its shell for comfort and security yet possesses an ability...