The Art of Bespoke Aromatherapy
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Create It Yourself Recipes
Blends for Leo and Winter using Cedarwood Virginian, Lime and Petitgrain
  Winter is here down under, and so far it's more wet than cold, and my lounge is looking like a laundry with clothes on racks drying in the watery sunshine moments combined with the heat pump that's running in the evening... I could use the dryer, however I'm interested to see how our power bills...
Natural Therapies & Nutrition
The Role of Pharmacogenetics in Personalised Treatment
Even before SmartDNA came along, I have always been fascinated about genetics and medicine, since being introduced to it in Biology in school way back in the 80s, and it was in lots of sci-fi books I read as a youngster. Hollie has a sister who has some genetic variations, so she's very fascinated...
Seasonal News
The Essence of Leo: Charisma, Strength, and Radiance
Leo the Lion (July 21 – August 20), shares its Fire element with Sagittarius and Aries. Leo is celebrated for their charisma, creativity, confidence, warmth, and leadership qualities. Represented by the lion, Leo is known for embodying both strength and grace, much like the king of the Savannah....
Natural Therapies & Nutrition
Coughs, Colds, Flus, and the whole Shebang!
Well, Winter has finally decided to arrive here in Auckland as it’s been very mild so far. And along with that is the sniffles (not me – touch wood), and the chest infections, having spent a few hours back in the hospital with Mum, this time with aspiration pneumonia. More about that later…...
Create It Yourself Recipes
Blends for Cancer and Winter using Elemi, Jasmine and Sandalwood
  Winter is here down under, and so far it's more wet than cold, and my lounge is looking like a laundry with clothes on racks drying in the watery sunshine moments combined with the heat pump that's running in the evening... I could use the dryer, however I'm interested to see how our power bills...
Seasonal News
The Energies of Cancer and Aromatherapy
Cancer the Crab (June 21 – July 20) shares its Water element with Scorpio and Pisces. Cancer is known for being deeply maternal, intuitive, nurturing, protective, empathetic, and loyal. Represented by the crab, Cancer often retreats into its shell for comfort and security yet possesses an ability...
Aromatherapy Essentialz
Music, Aromatherapy and Anxiety
  May marks NZ Music Month, so let’s have a quick look at the healing effects of music and aromatherapy on our wellbeing through the lens of a 2019 South Korean study involving nursing students.   The study assessed nursing students’ stress and anxiety during exam season and the effect of...
Create It Yourself Recipes
Blends for Gemini and Winter using Benzoin, Lavendar and Lemongrass
  Winter is only a few days away down here down under, and so far it's not been too cold, although the country has experienced its first snowfall quickly followed by torrential rains and flooding... welcome to Aotearoa, the land of the long white (grey) cloud!   As this month is about Coeliac...
Seasonal News
The Energies of Gemini and Aromatherapy
Gemini the Twins (May 21 – June 20) shares its Air element with Libra and Aquarius. Gemini is known for being smart, observant, emotionally intelligent, curious, passionate, and dynamic. Represented by the twins, Castor and Pollux, Gemini is known for having two different sides they can show to...
Natural Therapies & Nutrition
Coeliac Disease
Thursday 16th May is  International Coeliac Day , and Monday 10 - Sunday 16 June is  Coeliac Awareness Week . Let's have a look at the controversies within Coeliac Disease (CD) and maintaining an optimal gluten free nutritional life plan. This is my final assignment I submitted for my PreKure...
Natural Therapies & Nutrition
Asthma, Smoking and Vaping
Next month it's World Smokefree May , so let's have a look at Smoking, Vaping and Asthma and how we can keep our lungs healthy, whether we smoke (intentionally or passively) or not.   If you're living here in NZ, you probably know about asthma, as we have quite a high incidence of it, especially...
Natural Therapies & Nutrition
Is It Fat, Inflammation or Fluid Retention?
So you’re sitting there looking down and your seeing that bulk around your middle, and if you're like my my mother, you’re saying to yourself “I’m FAT!”  But are you…?  Being a paraplegic, my mother (79) has been unable to walk since March 2001, so her system has slowed down over the...
Seasonal News
The Energies of Taurus and Aromatherapy
Taurus the Bull (April 20 – May 20) is an Earth Sign along with Virgo and Capricorn and they are known for their practicality, patience, hard work, loyalty, productivity, reliability, and grounded nature. They are like the builders of the zodiac, creating stable foundations for themselves and...
Create It Yourself Recipes
Blends for Taurus and Autumn using Cypress, Rose and Vetiver
  As we head towards winter, it's time to give our bodies a boost, mentally and physically.  I don't know about you, however the colder weather makes my chest feel tight - it's not asthma, however it can feel like an asthma attack is coming.  Cypress essential oil is great for relaxing this...
Create It Yourself Recipes
Why I love Advent Calendars
I love advent calendars, always have done since I was a child, however chocolate ones don’t work for me with my allergies.   When I was a child, my nana had little boxes and she would put treats into them for me… dried flowers, little bottles, bits of fabric, things I could use for my...