The Art of Bespoke Aromatherapy
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The Essence of Leo: Charisma, Strength, and Radiance


Leo the Lion with Esoterical Elements

Leo the Lion (July 21 – August 20), shares its Fire element with Sagittarius and Aries. Leo is celebrated for their charisma, creativity, confidence, warmth, and leadership qualities. Represented by the lion, Leo is known for embodying both strength and grace, much like the king of the Savannah. Their magnetic personality allows them to command attention and admiration effortlessly, making them natural-born leaders who shine brightly in any setting they enter. Their fire element enables Leo to go about their tasks with passion and intensity. As a fixed sign, Leo embodies stability, determination, loyalty, and a strong sense of identity, making them reliable and confident leaders, but they should balance this with flexibility and openness to change.


Ruled by the Sun, Leos possess charisma, playfulness, a gift for communication, and heightened self-awareness. These traits make them excellent motivators and natural leaders, well-suited for careers in entertainment, management, and public speaking.


Leo's main birth flowers are Sunflower, Marigold, Dahlia, Safflower, and Clivia. Each of these flowers reflects Leo's vibrant and radiant personality, symbolizing their warmth, creativity, and boldness. Just like these flowers, Leos stand out in any environment, bringing joy and positivity wherever they go.


Leo’s birthstone is Peridot, their Bach Flower is Vervain and Vine, their NZ First Light Flower essences are no 13, 14 and 15. In Medical Astrology, Leo governs the heart, back and cardiovascular system. However, Leo is also linked to the Solar Plexus Chakra, which involves the digestive system, pancreas and metabolism, this is due to the fact their sign is ruled by the Sun and symbolised by the majestic lion.


 Australian Bush Flower Essence – Fire White Light Essence 

Australian Bush Flowers White Light Water Essence

You may not be aware of this very potent range, however, if you’re a Leo light worker or Leo is in your 6th House, you will want to know more about this essence.


This Essence was made in the sacred area of Katajuta. Central Australia. It encompasses the passion, creation, possibilities and potential of Fire. One aspect of the four Elemental White Light Essences — Fire, Water, Air and Earth — is that they help you to connect, embody and master that element while also aligning you to the Nature Spirit of each Element. The essence helps with the burning off one’s dross — or impurities, especially that of the astral body.


This Essence can open people to their most ancient source, back to the moment when the soul originally chose the life purpose for its earthly incarnation. This will leave the individual with a “fiery” sense of purpose and direction. Consequently, one is inspired and motivated to follow their life path and fulfil their highest destiny.

Excerpt from ausflowers.com.au




Bach Flower Essence – Vervain and Vine

Vervain enables Leos to ease into an effortless flow in their endeavours, preventing burn out, and overwork, and overexcitement, enabling them to bring more balance to their work.


Vine is another useful remedy to help Leos welcome ease, enabling them to let go of ego, releasing stress and their need for control.


 NZ First Light Flower Essences 

  • No 13 Kanuka essence (Kunzea ericoides) - SPONTANEITY
  • No 14 Rengarenga Lily essence (Arthropodium cirratum) - CREATIVITY
  • No 15 Mingimingi essence (Leucopogon fasciculatus) - DIGNITY

Regeneration, restored inner vitality and strength, feels special and loved, positive idealism, healthy ego, demonstrative. cheerfulness, serenity, self-respect, consistent creativity.

Intrigued to know more about Flower Therapies?  You can book a consultation with me here


 Birth Stone 

Leo is related to the vibrant green jewel Peridot, the Gem of the Sun. Peridot's bright green hue symbolises vitality, growth, and abundance, echoing Leo's zest for life and magnetic energy. Known as the "evening emerald," peridot's association with the night sky complements Leo's affinity for being the centre of attention and shining brightly in any setting. This gemstone is believed to enhance Leo's confidence, creativity, and optimism, qualities that align with their charismatic and ambitious nature. Peridot is also thought to foster positive relationships and emotional well-being, supporting Leo's generous and warm-hearted character.



Chakras and Crystal Healing

Leos are linked to the Solar Plexus chakra, also known as Manipura “city of gems”, that feeds us our vital energy to progress both materially and spiritually throughout our life, feeling confident in setting our personal boundaries, self-discipline and self-control. When it is unbalanced, our weakness is anxiety, anger and lack of confidence in our self.


Its position is our upper abdomen, and health disorders related to this chakra include diabetes, digestive disturbances, liver disorders – stress, enzyme and hormone production. Organs include the stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and small intestine.


Engaging in creative or physical activities can help channel their energy into feeling positive about one’s self and maintain a balanced solar plexus. Spending time in the sun is a great way to absorb solar energy and invigorate the solar plexus chakra. Yellow and Gold are important colours for Leos, so the healing stones for this sign are citrine, amber, tiger’s eye and sunstone.


Harmony Solar Plexus Chakra Essential Oil Blend

Strengthen your solar plexus chakra and enhance self-confidence and harmony with this empowering blend. Harmony chakra blend encourages you to shine as an individual, so that you can connect and harmonise with the uniqueness of others. This blend includes lemon (citrus limon), bergamot (citrus bergamia), juniper (juniperus communis), frankincense (boswellia carterii), vetiver (vetiveria zizanioide), Roman chamomile (anthemis nobilis), and aniseed (pimpinella anisum)



You can pre-order your bottle of Perfect Potion Chakra Harmony Essential Oil here



But what about the crystals for Leo?

Tiger's Eye, Citrine, peridot, ruby

  1. Peridot: opens and cleanses the solar plexus chakra, alleviates jealousy and anger, reduces stress, motivates growth and change.  Has a tonic effect, healing and strengthening for the spleen, intestinal tract and ulcers..
  2. Tiger's Eye: protective stone, shows correct use of power, aids accomplishing goals, recpgnizing inner sources, brings clarity of intention, balances yin and yang energy, energizes body.
  3. Citrine "Stone of Prosperity": attracts wealth and success, brings happiness and generosity, energizes and invigorates, dissipates negative energy and promotes inner calm.  Balances solar plexus chakra, treats digestive problems.
  4. Ruby: brings out Leo's inherent leadership qualities whilst resonating with their generosity and enthusiam.  Detoxifies body and blood.




Other crystal affinities with Leo are Amber, Boji Stone, Carnelian, Cat's Eye, Chrysocolla, Danburite, Emerald, Fire Agate, Garnet, Golden Beryl, TellowTourmaline.



When it comes to essential oils and astrology, there are so many variations it can get confusing – every book has a different list. So here’s what’s worked for me in my clinic and personal space, as well as what my intuition has fed me. I tend to work with the ruling planet and elements, the moon phase, the astrological sign (it shows up our weak areas), and intuition along with the science of essential oils.  This month we have:


Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) Lime essential oil has a crisp, refreshing citrus scent that has been used by aromatherapists for its uplifting and revitalizing properties. Its astringent, toning and refreshing properties help clear oily congested skin. Lime is motivating, relieving depression and increasing morale.

Unlike other citruses, the peel may be distilled or pressed. Cold Pressed Lime essential oil is phototoxic. Users should avoid direct sunlight after application. Distilled Lime is the essential oil generally used in skin care.


Actions:Â Antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, bactericide, disinfectant, febrifuge, haemostatic, insecticide, tonic


Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium amara) ruled by the Sun and the element Fire, Petitgrain is comforting and emotionally nourishing, petitgrain is a nurturer.


Petitgrain works on the digestive and nervous systems which also ties in with the solar plexus chakra. An antidepressant, petitgrain also increases perception and awareness, and re-establishes trust and self-confidence. Aromatherapists have long used it to calm anger and stress. It’s also a wonderful blend for mental stress when feeling tired and have a deadline to meet. And, as it can help with insomnia, it won’t stimulate your brain to the point it will keep you up all night when it’s time to sleep..


Antibacterial, antidepressant, antifungal, antispasmodic, deodorant, digestive, sedative, stomachic


Cedarwood Virginian (Juniperus virginiana) warm for the spirit and soul, Cedarwood instils confidence and security, helping you get through periods of overwhelm.


Antibacterial, anticatarrhal, antiseborrhoeic, antiseptic, astringent, diuretic, emmangogue, expectorant, insecticide, sedative, tonic


If you don't have any of these oils, you'll find a selection of them here 

Leo by Perfect Potion

Perfect Potion Leo Blend

Vivacious and enthusiastic, the Leo spirit is confident and eager to impress. The warm and pampering aroma of this blend will foster enthusiasm and creativity with pure essential oils of bergamot (citrus bergamia), Atlas cedarwood (cedrus atlantica), cardamom (elettaria cardamomum), clove bud (syzygium aromaticum), jasmine absolute (jasminum officinale), mandarin (citrus reticulata), may chang (litsea cubeba), ylang ylang (cananga odorata).

You can pre-order your bottle of Leo here


 Flower Meanings and Symbolism 

Let’s start with the Birth Flowers:white rose, delphinium, lotus, water lily, blue violet bouquet

  • Sunflower - Adoration, loyalty, and longevity. The are associated with the sun, representing vitality, positivity, and strength. For Leos, sunflowers reflect their vibrant energy, optimism, and leadership qualities. Like the sunflower, Leos often stand tall and bright in any situation.
  • Marigold – Passion, creativity, and the warmth of the rising sun. They represent the Leo's ability to bring warmth and brightness into the lives of others, as well as their creative flair and determination to succeed.
  • Dahlia – Inner strength, elegance, and dignity Dahlias reflect Leo's inner strength and resilience. They symbolize the Leo's ability to overcome challenges with grace and dignity.
  • Safflower - Passion, good fortune, and vitality. Safflowers resonate with Leo's passionate and dynamic personality.
  • Clivia – Beauty, rebirth, and new beginnings. Clivias reflect Leo's regal and resilient nature.


 Moon Energy 

Amor Clinic with Cancerian Moon

On August 4th, the Leo new moon is a perfect opportunity to engage in activities that enable you to express your true self, whether through art or writing, let the creativity shine. Celebrate strengths and unique qualities and connect with things that bring joy.


During the Aquarius full moon on the 20th of August, evoke some Aquarian energy into by allowing yourself the space to think out of the box, and explore innovative ideas. Participate in a humanitarian cause that is close to your heart and reach out to loved ones!.

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