The Art of Bespoke Aromatherapy
gluten, wheat and nut free with no artificial colourings, ingredients,
perfumes, petroleums or preservatives

Blends for Leo and Winter using Cedarwood Virginian, Lime and Petitgrain



Winter is here down under, and so far it's more wet than cold, and my lounge is looking like a laundry with clothes on racks drying in the watery sunshine moments combined with the heat pump that's running in the evening... I could use the dryer, however I'm interested to see how our power bills go as this is a warmer house than the last one we were in.  To keep my washing smelling fresh when it's not outside on the line, I add Petitgrain essential oil to the softener section of my washing machine.


As this month is about Self Care, let's start with some recipes that help soothe your nervous system and allow you to sleep better, because winter is the best time to get more sleep, being hibernation season.  Below you will find some blends that you can add to your bathing routine, body care products or diffuser, as well as my favourite, the sniffy stick.


I love Sniffy Sticks as they are easy to carry around in your bag, and your kids can take them to school or carry them in their pocket because they're not glass like a rollon.



EO Formulas
Cedarwood Virginian Lime Petitgrain
Cedarwood Virginian strips Limes Petitgrain Leaves

Cedarwood Virginian is the aroma of the large cedarwood chests traditionally used to store clothes and linen in...


Linen Spray
1 drop of Cedarwood Virginian essential oil
7 drops of Petitgrain essential oil
3 drops of Lime essential oil
50ml spray bottle of distilled water
1 level tsp Himalayan salt (emulsifier)


Add the essential oils to your bottle,
Now add the salt (via a funnel if you don't want to spill it everywhere)
Stir or shake until blended
Add your water, cap and shake it again.
For best results, let it sit for a couple of days to fully emulsify, however you can use it straight away if you really need to... it's a new blend, of course you need to lol

You can use this for ironing, and you can add laundry starch instead of salt as your emulsifier.

Who doesn't love a little bit of Summer in the middle of Winter?  With this blend you can pretend you're on holiday in a warmer climate!


Summer Room Spray
6 drops Sweet Orange essential oil
4 drops Lavender 40/42 essential oil
3 drops Ho Wood essential oil
3 drops Lime (Distilled or CP) essential oil
3 drops Petitgrain essential oil
2 drops Bergamot essential oil
1 drops Benzoin essential oil
1 drops Spearmint essential oil


Blend and add to 2-3 drops to your diffuser, or add to 120ml spray bottle with 2ml of vegetable glycerin OR 2 tsp salt.

Here's a yummy bath bomb recipe when you're experencing the winter blues.  I used to sell these on our original website way back in 1999!


Spririt Refresher Bath Bomb
4 drops Cedarwood Atlas essential oil
12 drops Petitgrain essential oil

100gm Bath Bomb Base 
80gm Bicarbonate Soda
15gm Citric Acid
Mica for sparkle - blue and green are my favourites
5gm Water in a Mist Spray bottle

In a glass bowl, blend the bicarbonate soda and citric acid together.
Add the essential oils one drop at a time and stir umtil combined, this helps to prevent it from fizzing too soon.
Squeeze it in your hands to see if it is clumping, if not, add a couple of sprays of water and keep repeating this step until you feel it is starting to stick, without overwatering your mix.
Place into a silicone or bath bomb mould and leave to set and dry.

Wrap in tissue paper or roll in dried flowers or more mica and then wrap in plastic film to keep it dry or make mini ones that will fit in a wide mouthed jar.

Note: If you make these on a humid day, you need less water as bath bombs happily explode whilst drying out in humidity!  That's not a failure, just thrown them in a jar and use as bath salts!


This is a relaxing bath salts blend to soak your feet in whether it's for a pedicure or a after a long day of being on your feet.


Foot Soak Salts, 200gm
20 drops Spike Lavender essential oil
11 drops Cedarwood Virginian essential oil
5 drops May Chang* essential oil
15 drops Distilled Lime essential oil

200 gm Epsom Salt

Add the salts to a glass jar.
Add the essential oils and shake thoroughly until well mixed.
Leave for at least 15 minutes for the oils to. infuse into the salts.  
Add 1 tsp to your foot bath water.
Soak for 15-20 minutes.

*If you're on Beta-blockers for your heart, replace May Chang with 4 drops Petitgrain and 1 drop of Palmarosa.

This is a blend for when you're feeling stressed and can't switch off.


Clear Your Mind
5 drops Lime essential oil
1 drop Vetiver essential oil

Blend and add to your diffuser or a Rollon with Jojoba seed oil, or better still, add to 25ml of vegetable oil and give yourself a facial, neck and decolletage massage just before bed.


This is relaxing blend is more focused on relieving anxiety.  I created this originally for a male client who was a single parent previously widowed with 2 children, going through a messy divorce with his 2nd wife, the children were living with him and he was worried about losing everything - his home and his children.  On top of that, he was self-employed and struggling to focus on his work.  When he came to me, he hadn't slept properly in months and this blend helped him to get through.  And he got to keep his house and the children.


Relaxing Massage Blend for Anxiety
9 drops Petitgrain essential oil
4 drops Frankincense essential oil
4 drops Black Pepper essential oil.
3 drops Sandalwood essential oil
50ml Vegetable oil


Blend in a bottle and massage into your body in the evening, preferably after a shower and whilst chilling out to some tv or a movie so your body is nicely wound down before bedtime..


Have Oily Hair, Acne, Dandruff or Seborrhoea of the scalp?  Try adding this Cedarwood Virginian to your natural shampoo base.  This is my formula for Oily Hair Shampoo from 1999.


Oily Hair Shampoo, 50ml
5 drops Cedarwood Virginian essential oil
3 drops Grapefruit essential oil
2 drops Patchouli essential oil
50ml Shampoo Base

Add to shampoo base and leave your shampoo in your hair for at least 3 minutes to allow the oils to penetrate your scalp and do their work..  
You can also add this to your conditioner or Jojoba oil to use as a hair masque or serum.

Give your energy and soul a lift with my Revitalise blend from our Affirmations range


3 drops Jasmine essential oil
8 drops Lime essential oil
15 drops Sweet Orange essential oil

Add to 125ml of Amor Body Wash Base, Lotion Base or a vegetable oil blend of your choice for a massage oil.

Note: Use Distilled Lime if using this in a lotion or massage oil that will be applied before going out in the sun as it's not photo-toxic.

One of my first client's was a young woman named Steph (21) with Bone Cancer and she called this her Rescue Blend - she took it to her Chemotherapy and Radiation sessions.  She went on to get married and had 2 children and swears it was this blend that got her through.


Steph's Rescue Blend
8 drops Bergamot essential oil
8 drops Sweet Marjoram essential oil
2 drops Neroli essential oil
7 drops Sandalwood essential oil
3 drops Petitgrain essential oil

Blend and add 5 drops to a Roll On or Sniffy Stick, or 2 drops to your diffuser.

* Lime- if using in the morning, use the Distilled Lime essential oil to prevent sun damage to your exposed skin.


If you have any queries with blending, hop on over to @Amor and post them there and I'll answer it as soon as I'm available.


Don't have these at home?  Follow the the links below:


How best to use your sniffy stick

Blend essential oils in blending bottle and add drops to one end of the cotton wick as per recommendations below and seal in tube.

Insert inhaler gently in nostril, and press finger against other nostril to close it.

Inhale gently, then swap sides and repeat.

Use 2-4 times a day.

Stop using if headaches occur!


1 drop Children aged 2-5,
2 drops Children aged 5-8
3 drops Children aged 9-13, Pregnant Women and Elderly
4-7 drops 13+