The Art of Bespoke Aromatherapy
gluten, wheat and nut free with no artificial colourings, ingredients,
perfumes, petroleums or preservatives

Healing Bath Recipes



The fun part about Aromatherapy is creating your own blends to suit your mood, or to ease a physical condition like aching muscles.  I have a bath every day - sometimes 2!

I've always been a bath person rather than a shower person, especially with all the fertility issues of endo and pcos, however since my accident in 2006 fracturing my sacrum and coccyx, and then developing bursitis in both hip joints, baths have been my life saver, removing pain in the mornings so I can be active during my days - and with this colder winter weather, I'm needing another one by 6-7pm.  I don't have many options due to my reactions to analgesics, and because I work with high quantities of essential oils, I can't allow myself to soak in oils every day either - although I will add 1-2 drops if I need an emotional lift.

Bath Time


Here’s a bath formula that I have used for years when I’ve felt a sniffle coming on—the only times I’ve got sick is when I haven’t used it!


Healing Bath for Colds and Flu.

5 drops of Eucalyptus radiata oil

5 drops of Peppermint oil

5 drops of Lavender oil (any type will work)

8 drops of Red Thyme oil

1 tbsp (15ml) of carrier—this can be vegetable oil, unscented shower gel or milk.

A small glass or hdpe bottle to store it in... yeah maybe not the milk... unless you want to try it with milk powder.... 

A label and a pen (more essential than your essential oils so you can remember what's in the bottle and the date you blended it!)


At this stage you're probably thinking "woah" that's a lot of essential oils for 1 bath! 

Don't panic!  It's actually for 3 adult baths as you are only going to add 1 teaspoon of this blend to your bath and Relax for as long as you can.


For children, reduce all oils down to 1 drop of each and add to 1 tsp of carrier, then add half a teaspoon to their bath water.


A glass of water or electrolyte solution will help keep you hydrated whilst sweating out the toxins. This is one time I definitely don’t recommend a wine with your bath!


Keep checking back on this page as I add more recipes each season :-).