The Art of Bespoke Aromatherapy
gluten, wheat and nut free with no artificial colourings, ingredients,
perfumes, petroleums or preservatives

Natural Therapies - Aromatherapeutic Medicine




If you believe in Aromatherapy… it works!
If you don’t believe in Aromatherapy… it works!”

Cristina Proano-Carrion



Aromatherapeutic medicine is the science of treating symptoms of disorders and diseases with aromatherapy. Technically, we are not allowed to say we can heal with natural therapies, however we can “ease” and support the individual using integrative therapies, like Aromatherapy, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, etc.

Thankfully, clinical studies are now becoming more common and are proving the effectiveness of aromatherapy on physical and emotional levels.


So what happens in an Aromatherapeutic session?Tania in clinic


Firstly, there’s a consultation, which takes between 10 - 90 minutes depending on what you have come about — mental / physical / spiritual / everything!


Then, a personalized blend of essential oils is created for you from my range of 150 options to treat your needs—there is no one size fits all in Aromatherapy, which is what I love about it.

This blend could be an inhalation, or a massage oil, a balm or a rollon.

Sometimes massage is part of the treatment, sometimes it’s just needing someone to listen and help you feel validated, and other times it could involve a nutritional plan as well.


Cellutlite Blend Starter Kit

One area that is popular with Aromatherapy is Anti-Cellulite Treatments.
I did my thesis in this area with Bernadette Bekker ND, and the results were fascinating.


You can discover more about it under Aromatherapeutic Remedies.

My upper arms have recently developed cellulite—watch this space