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Natural Therapies - Homotoxicology & Bioregulatory Medicine



“The doctor’s first and foremost professional is to make ill-persons healthy: what is called healing”

Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1848)


Dr Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg MD (1905-1985), Allopath, Homoeopath, Naturopath is the father of Homotoxicology.


Homotoxicology, simply put, is a nano-pharmaceutical, rather than homeopathic, system of medicine, although the anti-homotoxic therapeutics are prepared in Germany similarly to homeopathic medicines.


Antihomotoxic medication is based on Reckeweg’s innovative concept of the science of disease and has an extensive repertoire of remedies. It is holistically orientated; its homeopathic principles with elements of organic, orthomolecular and phytomedicine, which is why I really enjoy using it and seeing results with both chronic and acute conditions.


So what happens in a Homotoxicology Therapy session?

Firstly, there’s a consultation, which takes between 30-90 minutes depending on what you have come about — mental or physical. Based on your symptoms, a treatment plan is prepared and remedies are selected in either tablet, oral drops or injeels. The remedies are taken at specific times of the day depending on the disorder being treated. Some disorders can require up to 4 remedies, most are treated with 2-3.


They are designed to work with the organs of the body—liver, kidneys, lungs, gall bladder, pancreas and skin.


These remedies can be used with animals and I have successfully treated cats, goats and horses of conditions (after diagnosis from the vet). Our cat had type 1 diabetes and given <1 yr to live. He lived 4 years until he died from an accident.