You've started on an amazing journey with the true art of bespoke aromatherapy, and as you travel along your path, your formula may need topping up or tweaking.
You may be wanting a quick catch-up with a repeat prescription, or you may have discovered deeper emotional or spiritual issues have come up through your healing journey.
For others, it may be a muscular condition that started off deep and intense, and needed a heavy duty formula that included pain relief, and now it's nots as painful, however still needs some circulatory stimulation and cellular healing.
Or you may want to change to a different form of application - an inhalation (through sniffy tubes, diffuser blends), topical application (roller balls, massage oils, ointments, compresses) and immersion (baths).
I do offer discounts for Pensioners, Students, Community Service Card Holders and Children. Consultations for Babies are free.
Don't live near me... not a problem, I have clients all over the world :-)